Benefits of Book Publishing
Making money isn’t the biggest benefit of publishing a book. Yes, it does happen (I consistently make around $100 every month for my books), but that’s not where the biggest benefits are found.
Also, I’m not promising that you’ll go from blank page to best-seller in a short time. If your writing stinks, it will be harder for you to make money. If your idea isn’t engaging, it will be harder for you to make money. And that’s okay.
Unless you have encountered unspeakable tragedy or created unbelievable results with something you’ve done, you probably won’t make a million dollars with your book.
For me, however, the benefits have come from other places that I didn’t expect. Here are the top three:
1. Authority
The word “author” is in the word “authority” for a reason. When you write a book about a topic - whether it’s ministry, faith, leadership, or parenting - you will be perceived as someone who knows what they’re talking about on that subject. Writing a book makes you an authority.
2. Credibility
When I was interviewing for a new job, my book gave me instant credibility. The pastor said, “We’ve never had anyone on staff here who has written a book. That’s pretty cool.” Then, he wanted to spend the next 15 minutes asking for my thoughts about a book he wanted to write! Needless to say, I was offered the job. Writing a book boosts your credibility.
3. Respect
I’ll never forget the day that my book arrived in my mailbox. It was surreal. Unfortunately, I can’t describe that moment in a way that does it justice. It was a combination of surprise, pride (the good kind), and joy. To hold your own book in your own hands is truly an experience worth being excited about. Writing a book strengthened my own sense of self-respect, but it also earned the respect of my family, friends, and co-workers.
Again, I have self-published six books in the way that I’m going to show you, and no one has ever said anything like you might fear…
How long is your book?
Who published your book?
How much money have you made from your book?
Instead, when they hear that I’ve published even one book, they say things like…
“Wow. That’s awesome!”
“Oooh. I always wanted to do that.”
“Can you tell me how to do it?”
So, while we’re at it, let me highlight 2 more benefits of publishing your book the way that I will tell you:
1. Royalties
Royalties are the money you get paid every time a copy of your book is sold. Let me put it like this: If you published your book with a traditional publisher, you would receive somewhere between 7-15% royalty.
That means, if your book sold for $10, you would make $.75. Publishing directly through Amazon (like I will show you how to do), however, will give you a royalty of closer to 70%. Selling that same $10 book would put $7.00 into your pocket.
2. Speed
Let’s say you went through the headache and hassle of writing a book proposal for a traditional publisher, like I did. And let’s say that they actually wanted to publish your book. It would still take between 12 and 18 months for it to be available to the market.
If you publish your book the way I show you, you won’t do a proposal and you can have your book on Amazon within a few weeks.
So, to summarize…
You should write a book because it will give you authority, credibility, and respect. And you should publish your book the way I’m teaching you because you can do it faster and receive higher royalties than going another way.
If you’re ready to get started, then let’s get to work!